Friday, January 25, 2008

Simple rules

I live by a few rules in this world.

The first is I am happy with who I am and make sure that people know it. No I don’t gloat but you better be sure I am smiling from the time I get up in the morning until I hit my head on the pillows. I will admit this is not always how I have been but you should be darn sure this is a focus of mine going forward in this thing we call life.

The next rule is realize there is way more to do in this life than my job/career . While I enjoy working, and seeing what I can accomplish, and take pride in it, work is not the end all be all.

Lastly, when you are in love, make sure you show it like a badge of honor. If you don’t want to show it like a badge of honor, move on. The results of that relationship will end with someone losing out – you or the world. Chances are it is not going to work out or, even worse, you will be less a person than if you found yourself a relationship where the badge would be worn proudly.

A little deep but hopefully done in a concise manner and with impact.


Dateless in Detroit said...

I feel like you just said the things that I am going through at this exact moment. I also live by those rules, or try to most of the time anyhow.

xxxx said...

Oooh, those are good ones!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I like Your rules. I can't speak for anyone else, but I sure would like to see more of your attitude in my world.