Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pull your pants up son...

This is my initial foray into blogging. It seems like only a month ago I didn't even know people blog other than political pundits. I sometimes live my life in the clouds. All of a sudden, I was looking for some random item and came across one blog which lead into another and another. It has now become my own little addiction. It is unbelievable how that can happen with the flip of a switch.

I am looking to sue this blog to [discuss a myriad of items. They will range from sports, politics, life, pop culture, corporate america and other such exciting topics. I will tell you I wanted to start on 1/1/2008 but I had trouble thinking of a name for this blog. I was starting way too complicated but then thought KISS.

I was invited to a sporting event the other day. I took my seat and as they introduced the team's starting lineup the crowd stood up and I decided to stay seated... I am sad like that. The young man got up to cheer on the home team and I was given a sight that was flooring. The back of his pants were right under his cheeks if you will. THANK HEAVEN'S he had the rest of glutius maximus adequately covered with boxers. NOW my assumption in this life is the natural reaction would be to pull his pants up. Doesn't that just seem logical? This was not the case. He stood in front of me in the pathetic condition. Needless to say I started looking around the crowd for ANYTHING that would take my mind off this travesty.

Taking a step back, do kids really think this is a good look? Does anyone really think this is a good look? Do parents even know it is going on? How hard is the person who started this fad as a joke laughing right now knowing people are slaves to fashion doing such dumb things. I can only imagine what I would think if I found my child in such disarray. I would love someone to just tell me why they think that is a good thing.


Anonymous said...

I don't know that "kids" think it looks good, I think it's more about identity and feeling cool. Aren't you glad you don't have to show off half your drawers to be cool?

I personally HATE the whole gansta and suburban gangsta look in general...and falling pants in specific.

Dateless in Detroit said...

I've seen grown ass men wearing the falling pants. Its a travesty to all that is right and good with jeans.