Friday, February 1, 2008

Media thoughts

Does anyone else find the local news coverage to be totally useless in the snowy weather. I mean really useless. I heard some reporter this morning asking the county road guy “Is the county alright on their supply of salt or do you think the county will run out?” I think the guy from the county was snickering at the question. Does anyone give you know what in a warm place about the how much salt the county has on hand? It is freakin salt – if they run out they will go get more.

This is of course in the middle of wall to wall coverage of the “storm” that ended up being nothing. Can someone tell me the reasons showing the local news channels choose to fill up their air time with reporters who have nothing to report on except a standard snowfall instead of the national shows? I live in the Midwest where it snows at least five times year so it is common in my mind. We see it EVERY YEAR without fail. Every year it comes around like hot days in summer, the Christmas shopping season and the occasional blue sky. Why is the drawn out, over dramatic coverage necessary? When I could be watching national coverage of that crazy Brittney?

Speaking of Brittney, it brings me to ask the question – is there anymore useless of a job – even more than the weather man – that these paparazzi people? Let’s face it - there are different groups of people you would like to go up to and simply tell them that they are complete losers. Their life has zero meaning and they should smell the fresh air. I think one of the leading group of public people would be the paparazzi. They sit and wait to take pictures of well known people. Actually that is not representative – they get in the faces of famous people and obstruct their lives so they can get a mug at every turn. Do any of the paparazzi realize we – Jane and Joe Public - know what celebrities look like? We don’t need minute by minute tracking of every celebrities waking moments. For those who are out there that need that minute by minute coverage I would encourage you to reach out and give someone else your time. NOW I am not damning anyone who reads celebrity mags or whatever other media but it just seems it is over the top and more. What is going on in the heads of these paparazzi? What made them want to get into the business? Do they have families? Do they have reasons to live? Do they have any admirable qualities? How do they rationalize what they do day in and day out? How would they like their lives under such scrutiny – of course more than what I am laying down on them right now?

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