Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day Random thoughts

Tigers - 85 wins. Finding a ticket will be more difficult now than by August 1st. Their bullpen is awful and I think in the end, the Indians are a better team. They has the best offense in the major last season. They need pitching. They decided to get more offense. They traded away the farm and they have nothing else left to trade from the minors for relief pitching. It will be more than the "human roller coaster" Todd Jones giving me heart burn this summer at around 9:15 PM every summer evening.

People that say the ongoing bickering between Obama and HillBill is hurting the chances of the Democratic party make me chuckle. If the Democratic Representative were determined now, either candidate would be getting zero press time right now. Is McCain even alive? Does Huckabee have a chance still? Is Ron Paul still fighting? Who knows.

Kwame - Stand up, be a man and pay for your own defense.

Strange result of the subprime market failure - Kathie Lee Gifford is back to work.;)

Now have the airlines checked all their planes now?

I am thinking I am one of four people on this planet that will not see their life affected one way or another if Brad and Angelina get married. Even their link to the Democrats does not get me interested.

1 comment:

xxxx said...

I care deeply about whether Brad and Angelina get married :)

What is UP with your Tigers?!?