Wednesday, May 20, 2009

After a good night of sports...

OK - A new commitment will be made... We will see how it goes...

- As if I did not know - Article

- I am not the biggest hockey fan in the world but clearly I am spoiled by a few things. The first is we have an awesome team in this town and I spend more time watching the D-Train last night. Secondly, everytime I watch them it just not seem I am dazzled by the effort. When watching sports, I never want to feel like I care more than those participating.

- I think the Wings will win the despite those efforts as they are the most experienced team remaining in this year's playoffs.

- While the Wings won last evening, I believe a more important development took place at Comerica. If Dontrelle Willis has indeed corrected his issues as a pitcher, he has the power to be one of the upper echelon athletes in this town. He has personality, ability and desire to make a difference. He offers more of an openess than your average professional athlete. More important to Mike Illitch and Tiger Management - he can bring the fans down to Comerica unlike anyone else on their team. Sure Verlander is a good guy but he does not have the "it" factor Dontrelle has for whatever reason. He has the ability to bring this town to their feet.

- I am very excited to see what Dave Bing will do in office. I have long proposed that government needs to change their direction and be run like businesses by those who have run a business. There are countless examples of this and I believe the federal government will soon be another example.

- Back to Detroit, I think Bing will be able to balance the needs of maintaining a budget with the needs of the people. He has no personal needs - not the casw with the last elected official.

- If you wonder aloud what the auto companies will look like in say ten years, you might want to view the steel comapnies who went thorugh a similar situation ten years ago. It will not be a cardon copy but some striking similarities. One thing for sure - it will be a subject of many business journal artciles of years beyond my life.