Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Additions to "About me"

Adding more the list

  • I have a chalkboard at my house which always seem to have different things on it from reminders to a small list of people who need for luck in their life.

  • I am pretty frugal with my money but will for sure splurge on the things I have wanted for a period of time.

  • I can't get enough of watching the stock market and tracking the financial world these days.

  • Feelings toward Halloween - almost apathy

  • I think in many circles I would be considered a minimalist.

  • I feel short of one of my goals this years - reading more books. I have read one and don;t anticipate reading anymore between now and year end.

  • I am looking around and appear to like white on my walls

  • For all intensive purposes I do not own a DVD player but three TV's but only watch one

  • I have failed to get caught up in the sushi and Thai food phenomenon

  • I prefer Mozilla Firefox to Internet Explorer

  • I have been told I am half full way more than half empty. This is funny since I think of myself as a cynical person

  • I would not mind going back to school despite one grad degree but I hate the homework and the cost is obscene if you don;t have financial reimbursement. With more money I would add on to it I think.

Initial "About me" post

Two Adam's Apples?

This weekend has been one for reflection. If you have followed my blog, I don't discuss much personal details about myself or my life. Part of it is I am a private person and the other part is my life in general is pretty unexciting.

Saying all that I remember distinctly this past New Years Eve that it would be a good idea to relax as 2008 would be an action packed year. On many different levels this is for sure the case. From a government economy/job standpoint there is no doubt nothing has been this bizarre in a very long time - probably my whole life. I just did not know what personal things would take place.

January saw me feeling decent, living life but by February my body just did seem to be in the right position. I was very tired and my mental well being was decent but just different. I had minimal health insurance at the time but was in a position to get decent health care allowing me to get a physical and get some blood tests. I finally scheduled an appointment during a phone call in March but the appointment would not take place until May. I told myself that would be fine but in the back of my mind I was thinking it might be wise to figure out how to escalate all this but I did not know how. My energy was down but outside of that I really did not have any more telling symptoms other than some small random things

Not too long after I made the physical appointment I ended up doing something I VERY RARELY do - gargle. Yes I know you are all scratching your heads on that one. I gargled in the bathroom after brushing my teeth - must have had a scratchy throat. I looked in the mirror and saw something peculiar. It appears I had two - count them - two Adam's apples. Needless to say this was a source of alarm for me. To the best of my knowledge you should have one, I have always had one and I could not figure out for the best of me what was going on. I for sure did not put two and two together in terms of how I was feeling and the "extra Adam's Apple" Needless to say I was on the rampage to figure out - WTF?

After some discussion with my personal "doctors" some course of action was devised. I had people who were medically knowledgeable take a quick scan of it all and the consensus - call a REAL doctor. I called my REAL doctor an they told me they could see me the following week. That was about mid March. When I saw the doctor - usually a slight slow reactive one - she gave me a list of things I needed to do in q quick manner. I scheduled some tests and an appointment with a endocrinologist.

I went and got some tests done and scheduled the appointment. This all took place over Easter weekend - Good Friday and the Monday afterwards. The endocrinologist requested get a test on the second "Adam's Apple" which was in the Thyroid region. In that same appointment I was a little frustrated no action was taken based on the symptoms I had been experiencing for a few months. He added that only five percents of nodules on the thyroid are cancerous. That was great news.

I did as the doctor requested and got a biopsy on the nodule. It was done on a Friday afternoon. As the biopsy was taking place I asked the person doing the work if it would be removed if it were not cancerous. Her words - "They will remove it!" This was not "regardless if it is cancerous they will remove it". This was between the lines "It is cancer". I would not know for sure though until I talked to the doctor.

The doctor followed up pretty quickly with me requesting I stop on in the following week. I knew the verdict but it would slightly unclear until the doctor gave it the 100% confirmation. When I stopped by it was a beautiful April Wednesday afternoon. The doctor told me - I had thyroid cancer. Thank heavens I had an inkling other wise I would have dropped a load in my pants. Everyone in my family knew before hand that this was probably going to be my diagnosis. Surgery was scheduled with in ten days of the official diagnosis from the doctor. That would take place on April 24, 2008.

The toughest - and best - thing was telling people about it. People being my firends which I have way more of that I can swing a stick at for sure. I ended up writing an email blast because calling each person would take a considerable amount of time. After writing about a one page email to about fifty people - not including friends through my parents - I ended up getting a slew of phone calls. A cancer diagnosis did not make me cry. The people calling with in minutes of sending that message out for sure overwhelmed me. Everyone has the same response - WTF? How are you doing?

With everything that happened in my life, I will tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt the most positive things have produced the most positive big impact results. This topped them all for sure. I got emails from people who I thought were barely acquaintances writing heart felt messages making I was doing well and wondering if I needed anything from them. To say that in some form this was not a rewarding experience would be a terrible understatement.

The day of surgery took place and the whole thyroid was removed from me. While this is going on I have taken a whole week off work following surgery. It is typically suggested you take six to eight weeks off for all this stuff. I grow bored after three business days and log in to work and start bugging people to get stuff done. That is how I roll - I am a loser - LOL! I did have some difficulties - some which kept me from sleeping ,much more than three hours a few weeks from the syrgery

I was on the schedule to receive radioactive iodine six weeks later. This involved a few visits leading up to it. I should clarify - this was NOT typical cancer radiation, rather it was radioactive iodine. Iodine is only adsorbed by thyroid tissue. This took place on the day of the Red Wings parade for winning the Stanley Cup. The goal of the radioactive iodine is to kill all live thyroid tissue. The results of all is your body's hormone levels are completely unbalanced. You have zero stamina and mentally you are living an existence similar to either a woman going through post partum depression or manic depression. I would not wish anything I went through on my worst enemy. I was told to start the hormone replacement therapy two days after the radioactive iodine.

After a few weeks of taking the hormone Synthroid I started to get feeling better. I went in for some blood tests and the reading were good. The progress is slow though.

Six months later...I am back to a routine work out schedule. The other day I rode ten miles on the exercise bike at the gym in forty five minutes. My blood levels are quite good and I will not see the doctor until some time next spring. I feel about as good as someone can expect whether they went through what I went through or did not go through it.

As amazing at this sounds I think there is some fortune to what I went through the past six months. The show of support was out of this world and more than I could ever have imagined in my mind. The summer - despite going through much of it during that time, was one of the best I have ever had in terms of getting stuff done and good times. In general was a low moment in my life but will be look upon due to all the positives with much gratitude. I will stay this Thanksgiving when someone asks that YES I am thankful for my health - along with many other things.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What is one to do? Quick poll

I am dealing with a hypothetical situation here - LOL.

Man drives down road. Turns and catches eye of girl to his liking. You both show off toothy grins. Let's say you have the opportunity at say a stop light. This is where a split second decision must be made. Do you (as the male)

A.) Role down window and ask if she wants to meet up at some nearby establishment
B.) Let it be exactly what it is - some smiling and some flirting.
C.) Something else politically correct

Politically incorrect options -
Rear ending her car
Following her to where ever her destination is she is traveling to at that time.
Start a fire in the middle of the road and send smoke signals
Before hand - have a bumper sticker made with you contact information and have it plastered all over your car.

Again - all hypothetical

Friday, October 24, 2008

Read between the lines on this one

I am going to be quite convoluted here but I am sure you will be able to read between the lines. The body is made up of fat, muscle and bone. If you cut the fat you are left with muscle and bone. If you cut anything more you have cut the muscle before you get to the bone. If you have nothing left but bone, can you cut anymore? It seems some people don’t understand what you need in order to have the body continue running. These are very strange times we live in for sure.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wild times

My town is right now on watch. We all sit by our televisions, radio, and internet to find out what is the latest information we can find out about Chrysler and General Motors. Specifically, is General Motors going to buy Chrysler from Cerebus and basically wipe it off the map?

While we all bite our nails contemplating the economic impact of such an occurrence, it pushes through a series of items through my mind making this all terribly fascinating to analyze as it all takes place.

#1 - How does GM who has no money according to their financial reports and a dirt low stock price go and buy a company (Chrysler) that made an operating profit last quarter in a terrible economy and has nearly $12B sitting on the side?

#2 - How does Cerebus think it is good business to divest themselves of a company that when they are not allowed to manage themselves and times are good is the most profitable Big 3 auto company?

#3 - What good does almost $12B cash do you if you will spend it right away on merging the two large operations?

#4 - How does getting larger help GM which is only second to the federal government in bureaucracy?

#5 - If Chrysler stopped completely tomorrow for any reason what would be the financial and population impact on Southeastern Michigan? Sure we realize it is huge but does anyone know how much of an impact it will be. It would all encompassing including everything from hospitals to suppliers, entertainment to housing, tourism to whatever you can think of right now.

Of course all these questions come as today is it is announced that Kirk Kekorian will be selling off his shares of Ford. This is after he spent a premium on shares a few months back spending an roughly 30% over the stock price at the time.

All this talk along with economic news that does make any one warm and fuzzy at all, makes one wonder what the future holds and the changes that will take place all across the board.

There is nothing settling with any of this but at the same time it does force us to take inventory of everything and figure out if there is something we need to do different. This is tough to anticipate since we don;t know what will be the end results of it all. We must realize on our instinct and that American spirit will have to carry us through this turmoil that happens in every country's history.

Two weeks and counting...

In the past an age old debate was the argument as to whether or not the media had a liberal bias. No one case will tell unequivocally whether that is the case or not but I think we have decent comparison among many to show here.

Before I left for work this morning, I saw a quick report on TV eluding to Democratic nominee Joe Biden's comments from Sunday evening when he said the following:

"Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. . . . Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. . . . I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, and he’s gonna need help."

Oddy enough this seems to be almost put under the rug. While many of the different news sites have the story you have to seek it out to even locate it. In other words it is not big news.

This seems significant to me as it appears that Vice President realizes that the world has zero respect for Barack Obama and since he is looking to verbally each conflict, he will be having some difficult times considering the over the top personalities found in this world. Another point is if Barack Obama's running mate has little confidence in the security of the US once his running mate is sworn into office.

ONe story that was available through every network with in moments this weekend took place Sunday when former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama. While Powell initially complemented McCain as well as Obama, he commented that McCain is slightly unsure on how to handle to the economy. He continues to say that Obama has plenty of values of all people. This is funny since he denigrated those who hunt a few months ago in the state of Pennsylvania - which oddly enough is now a blue state.

Powell continues discussing the McCain strategy with respects to Obama's relationship with Ayers and continuing to talk about it. I do agree with Powell this really in the end if a non issue. At the same time - am I the only one that thinks in the long run his name does hurt him especially it is the same as the #1 fugitive in the world?

He discusses his discomfort with the Republicans and the parties move to the right. This is a misinformed statement based on the fact that based on policy it appears the Republicans are more liberal than they have ever been in their almost 150 year history whether you consider spending, the size of government as well and other considered liberal policies. In addition their presidential nominee is is the most liberal candidate to run since Ronald Reagan. No one was more liberal than Reagan.

The talk from Powell did not stop there when he speaks after his "Meet The Press" appearance when he defends Obama's assertion he will raise taxes. He continues saying "Of course I don't want my taxes raised either"

People I am not really sure what took place. ONe thing for sure - Powell has lost the respect of many in the Republican end of things but probably more so - the independents who will recognize he offerred little or any reason to vote for Obama this past week.


All in all, I am not excited in the least to head to polls two weeks from today. After watching the debates and listening to the thoughts and opionions I come back with the same conclusion - there has to be someone WAY better out there that I can vote for rather than these two individuals. IN this country with the brightest minds ever to walk the face of the earth, we have two people who are clearly not impressive and don;t inspire many people as to how they will handle the next four years. I can tell you personally I will look into ALL candidates in the next two weeks but the reality is for all the talk and endless at nauseum coverage that has taken place the last eightteen months regarding this election, it will be one fo the most anti climatic events to ever take place.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last Debate thoughts and more

It has been a wild couple of weeks in this country as well as locally.

- The stock market has been the hot topic the last few weeks. The news has been for the most part been very negative and people holding their breath to see what will happen from day to day.
- It does seem strange how we have allowed the stock market to shadow what we think of the economy as a whole. Our unemployment is not even remotely close to what it was in the 1920's and 1930's. Our GDP is doing great. The value of the dollar has actually been going since Wall Street's struggles has gone along.
- Bailing out these banks and those with mortgages close to failure is rewarding irresponsibility. It is a sad path and one don't enjoy watching unfold.
- I am watching the third Presidential debate and tell myself one thing - 2012 is PRIMED for a third party candidate. It is rough to watch these debates. The best man at the table is Bob Schieffer.
- Who runs these campaigns? If you were a Republican, would you not be irritated that McCain refuses to point out that his policy is the most liberal since FDR. If you were Obama why are you not pointing out McCain's politics are not close to many Republican stances cutting away from John's base.
- One view specifically with tonight's debate - McCain seems to have a little more urgency than what I have seen in past engagements. Based on poll numbers this will probably be too little too late.
- I have not seen alot of him but what I have seen of him I am very impressed by Ken Cockrel Jr., sitting Detroit Mayor.
- Joe the Plumber - someone who will be talked about for at least the next week.
- End result of debate - No ground gained by McCain.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fast on the right, slow on the left - huh?

Every day I travel north on the interstate and get slightly frustrated by a decision from civil engineers to have an exit on the left side of the expressway. This makes for "great" traveling as another highway which exits to the right. My exit is not too long afterwards which means it makes for a fun track each morning. Let me preface that my trip to and from work are really as a whole fantastic. It would just would drive me nuts if I went north on the way home which is typically a very slow progressing parking lot. Anyways, my typical ride is getting on the freeway and slowly progressing to the left lane. I start getting going at a nice comfortable rate but usually end up behind someone who is in the left lane waiting to exit off and locked in at that sexy 65. I am thankful for those people but I just wish they were not in front of me. These people typically maintain that speed regardless of how many people pass them in the middle lane. Once I pass that exit, I end up having to get to the right. This is always good as traffic slows down for the freeway exits coming up and the on coming traffic coming from the freeway. I slowly put my hands together as I for sure slow down unless there is an opening up ahead and there is a log jam forming from the freeway. I will as a result press the accelerator to put myself in a position of merging in that spot.

All in all - a very good time each morning. Thankfully I have the slight challenge in the morning because I do have a job.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bank Rescue thoughts

I am going through and trying to figure out what is all happening right now. I have always enjoyed following the economy and stock market but for sure these days can’t make heads or tails. I am not going to regurgitate the details of everything taking place in credit markets and financial institutions but some thoughts.

Is Congress really educated enough about the issues to pass legislation that will attempt to “solve” the issue? I still have not heard how the $700B was figured out.

Will giving $700B to the parties involved correct the issue which no one quite seems to be able to put their finger on right now?

I look at all like kids who behaved badly and did not think about their actions being rewarded very well. There were no consequences. Their parents came and rescued them and they most likely will try it again – just in a different form as to not get caught. What I am getting at is most banks got into trouble due to their own greed. Now they are being rescued and the only people suffering are us the tax payers.

Would any of this be taking place it the year were not divisible by four?

I am finding it amazing how this issue has taken such precedence in just over thirty days before the election. When you watch the news the election is still a big story but for sure not taking the precedence one would think at this critical stage especially considering how much at nauseum the cable news networks have been talking about in the last eighteen months.

I think well after passing the bill you will continue seeing the public react to this whole ordeal. There is large disgust from liberals and conservatives about this deal. It is evidence that the pain of all this is blind to political affiliation.

Something I find remarkable though I for sure understand - Obama's lead has gone up in the past week according to the polls. I am trying to figure out how this whole thing DIRECTLY relates to the position of the President of the US. Did the current guy in office give away loans to people who they knew should have never got those loans? Did he make mortgages an over whelming portion of the bank's assets? There are plenty of reason to vote for Obama but nothing having to do with the banking issue. Maybe I am just using way too much common sense.