Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Economics, Politics and DJ Snobbery

Well I was doing things and than remembered – I have talked to the people in several days.

Several thoughts from the last few days including politics, economics, and Club DJ critiques…

I did not do something that I have for as long as I can remember – watch the “State of the Union”. It has nothing to do with Bush as much as it has to do watching the talking heads. Sure I could have turned it on just for the speech but I know I would have listened to some knucklehead break it all down and some how include the current election. Now I have been following the current election fairly closely.
The news coverage of the elections is weird. Obama wins South Carolina and you would have thought he won in November. He spending all his money in each state with hopes he wins and get more contributions. The Clintons have plenty of money and know which states really matter and South Carolina is not one of them despite the discussion from the media.

As I am writing this Clinton looks like she is winning Florida hands down. Florida is a good win for anyone. Despite the complete and total lack of class by the Clintons, I think it is their race to win. They have support in the key states and they will probably not look back unless they act like the morons they were Saturday night. Bill – keep your pie hole shut.

By the way, speaking of the Clinton’s, has anyone seen Chelsea lately. I caught a good glimpse of her on TV the other day, leading me to tell myself, “Sheesh, someone has become a nice piece of… errrr… personage”. No I don’t know if “personage” is the right word but you get my point. I do think she got a nose job. I often wonder aloud if she even likes her parents.

Another story out there- I will avoid mentioning the subject name – needs to screw their head on real tight. Granted it did happen some time ago but why do I know in my heart of hearts high jinx and hilarity has not stopped especially when they thought they go t away with a good one. Will they do the right thing – whether it be the subject I am referencing or their constituents – and step down or vote them out? The answer I think on both counts… no. The lessons are simple. The first is honesty is the best policy. If you are not honest right from the beginning, you will pay the price through many different ways. The other lesson is to the constituents – you get what you vote for and if you choose to defend them, you will only be hurt in the end.

After watching “60 minutes” this past Sunday, I would like to nominate the “US Mortgage Crisis” for being the most over discussed, over blown story ever. According to Monday’s Wall Street Journal, all the foreclosures that have taken place have amounted to .1% or 1/1000th of the total economy. Is that enough for the Dow Jones Industrial to drop like a lead weight? Is that enough to giving out checks to the American people? I wish people would do their research and not depend on the talking heads of America to give you the “non-truth” on how the economy is doing. If you read the article, you will see, ahem, the economy is doing quite well.

While on the mortgage crisis I will tell you I have no sympathy for the banks. They were sucked into the rest of corporate America looking for today and screwing tomorrow. They forgot they were stuck with these things for 30 years. They knew they were bad bets and it was a game of musical chairs or Russian Roulette. Please government – don’t bail them out. Allow natural economic forces determine their future.

I will say openly I don’t why the American people who fall under the right guidelines are getting checks. My question is where is the money coming from? Why is the Fed lowering the Interest rate? They are basing their decisions on one part of the economy – one part that measures to nothing.

Please don’t kid yourself one bit. The check coming to your home soon has zero to do with the government liking you as a person or feeling sorry for you. It has to with getting your vote. If this was not an election year, those checks would not even see the light of day. Should anyone deny the check? I hope anyone reading this knows that answer.

On a very light note, I went to the bar this past weekend. I am a bit of a DJ snob. Here the people were shaking their tail feathers to the usual top 40 music with the occasional east side favorites. (I am exposing myself now) All of a sudden, the DJ pulls out one from yours truly favorite list - Darude Sandstorm . People were shaking their heads wondering what happened. First based on what he has been playing and the venue – they have pool tables and the dance floor is hardly “club” size – it seems like a sharp left. Now I know from back in the day, this is a long song. It was one of those which played until you were not sure it would ever end. Well after taking a minute, the people did get into it but then the DJ decided to brake and stop it. I wish it would have at least continued for the whole track. It is tough to find a venue – that I WANT to go to – that will play such tracks. In the end, it should have not been played at all. I will not get into the DJ’s poor transitions or the trashy presentation of cocktails. I can’t believe what I get dragged to from time to time.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Simple rules

I live by a few rules in this world.

The first is I am happy with who I am and make sure that people know it. No I don’t gloat but you better be sure I am smiling from the time I get up in the morning until I hit my head on the pillows. I will admit this is not always how I have been but you should be darn sure this is a focus of mine going forward in this thing we call life.

The next rule is realize there is way more to do in this life than my job/career . While I enjoy working, and seeing what I can accomplish, and take pride in it, work is not the end all be all.

Lastly, when you are in love, make sure you show it like a badge of honor. If you don’t want to show it like a badge of honor, move on. The results of that relationship will end with someone losing out – you or the world. Chances are it is not going to work out or, even worse, you will be less a person than if you found yourself a relationship where the badge would be worn proudly.

A little deep but hopefully done in a concise manner and with impact.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It is what it is

First, I apologize for the way my last post looked you Internet Explorer people. YIKES. I looked at it Mozilla Firefox and it looked just fine. Anyways - onto the rest of my post. I will admit this one covers several different topics.

I will tell a short story which is kind of my life story in a small package. I needed a haircut. I usually go with a standard chain which is close to my place. I can usually leave my place, get a haircut and be back in a half hour.
The stylist is usually someone who does not have the English language learned well but they do a pretty good job. I am not picky about my stylist because I have not had a bad haircut yet at this location. This time I am going to try something different.

The all sports station here advertises for a chain of "salons" which cater to men. Obviously they don't have your grandmother cutting hair nor do they have other men. Now I usually would not find myself in such a place because I assume they stacked it with women who are there due their physical attributes and not their hair cutting skills. After some time, it seems like their business was growing and I thought it would not hurt to go once just to see what it is all about and in the least be mildly entertained. Per usual when I go against my instincts I basically get egg in my face. I walked into the location and did not wait long as someone was available to cut my hairs. As I looked at the woman I snickered as I knew the joke was on me - she was pregnant. Needless to say in my mind, I was laughing. The Lord has a fine sense of humor and he likes to prove it to me. She promptly called me "Honey as I took a seat and in my mind I chuckled even more. IN the end, I did get a decent haircut and I did my usual to ask her, like most people I meet, a series of different questions to learn for myself. Of course she may have never got asked on her job but I say so what. "Are you an employee or did you buy your spot?" "How long have you been working here?" "Do you stil try to do Women's hair? "What type of training do you have to go through?"

I could have written one of those reports you do in school about someone who does a job you may aspire to have one day. I think for sure I could have got a B+.

Some final notes (political nature)...
  • Fred has left the building and we give him his parting gifts. Honestly if you saw this guy on Meet the Press, you would have known he sealed his fate then and there. I am pretty sure I fell asleep.

  • Rudy should not be that far behind. Saying that if somehow he pulled off the miracle of all miracles and won Florida that would put him in the lead for electoral votes among everyone.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

About me

On what is a very cold day in my location, some may wonder, “Who is Midwest Gent?” The best way to let you all know is simply typing it out.

Let’s state some of the obvious ones –

  • I am from the Midwest.

  • I live in a state which I guess is going through some economic bad times but I have not seen much evidence of it personally.

  • I live in a town that is known for three companies in the same industry.

  • I live in a town patiently – ok maybe not - awaiting spring when baseball starts back up again.

  • I am a male - hence the Gent

  • Early 30’s

  • Looking around… I have neither a wife or girlfriend

  • It is quiet… so no children

  • I enjoy the last two points for the time being.

  • It allows me to live a simple life but admit there will be time when that will not be the case anymore.

  • Homeowner and still trying to figure out if that was a good idea.

  • I live in a family part of town.

  • My employer would be referred to from time to time as the “Titanic”

  • I am well educated and enjoy being educated.

  • Homework cramps my style.

  • I prefer summer to winter but fine with it all.

  • I am not metrosexual.

  • I own four pairs of shoes.

  • Style would be classic.

  • I don’t own an mp3 player.

  • My politics are not of importance as I am not here to fire and brimstone speeches.

  • I eat out rarely as I cook for myself mostly.

  • I enjoy following politics but admit openly a lot of it is mind boggling.

  • I think reading blogs is great because people are honest about their thoughts.

  • I live by this adage – If you are not laughing you are not living.

There is more to me but I think this gets off to a good start.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Men and women changing roles...

Generation X is headed into unchartered territory. Do you remember the Michael Keaton Movie “Mr. Mom”? I remember even going to the theater and seeing it. At the time though I am sure it was perceived as realistic as “Star Wars” Things have changed so much since then it would almost make someone make their head spin. For those who have not seen the movie, it shows the life of a husband who decides to stay home to small children while his wife is climbing the corporate ladder. The movie shows the travails of the husband who trying to maintain order in his house while he tries occupy his time while the wife is at work

This leads us to this past weekend when I was told by three friends – all men – in two separate instances, they would stay home to raise the kids if their wives were making the better income. Of course saying it and doing it are two different things. With these friends I will tell you they are true to their word. Generation X is becoming less and less impressed by the material things and even more worried about how we see Generation Y and beyond developing into a very scary generation. In addition, we are not impressed with the rat race that is Corporate America and understand there is more to life than working 70 hours a week just so we can have the opportunity to go up the corporate ladder so the crackberry will ring even more.

Saying all that – and enjoying being a voyeur on human behavior – I will look forward to the results. For all of time, men lead the charge for providing for his family. Whether it was he went out to hunt some wild game to going to work every morning to earn money to feed his family. Men were responsible to provide something tangible to his family. The woman was the one who maintained order in the home and provided the intangibles things like time and their ears to listening. Now we are heading in some cases a role reversal. The woman is bringing home the bacon and the men holding down the fort. It seems – based on stereo types – to be unnatural. Can men adjust to their new roles? How will women do giving up some of their role as the nurturer? What will the results be with the children?

All these questions will eventually be answered in time and know for sure many people are looking forward to seeing he results.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The day in the life

Here is the day in life and how my mind works.

6:30 AM – I wake up and decide I will work out after I put in my time working for BIG CORPORATE MAN.

7:30 AM – I ask myself – “Do I feel like working out today?” Yes I do and I take my clothes with me to work.(I work out at the corporate gym during the week.

8:00 AM – Do I take my clothes in with me saving myself the ten minute walk back out and then another ten in when work is over if I decide to work out? I bring my clothes in with me.

10:00 AM – I am for sure not working out – I want to go home and take a nap before I head to someone’s house for dinner.

Noon – I take my daily afternoon walk around Titanic’s headquarters and step outside for ten minutes breathing in some nice crisp air. The air has revived me and I am thinking “I wan to work out. Everyone will benefit! A good work out would do me well”

2:00 PM – I am still working out It will do me good. I will wrap up the day and head down there.

4:00 PM – Boss tells me I look I need a nap. Decision made.

4:45 PM – Walking out thinking with gym bag telling myself “I should turn around and go work out.

5:15 PM – I take a nap and feel better. I look forward to staying a wake at invitee’s place.

Midnight – I stay up doing nothing of value and knowing again the same cycle will take place tomorrow.

The moral of the story – I don’t like morning people who not only wake up and workout but do it with a smile on their face. If you are one of them, I am very jealous.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Celebrity Choices

Well I could discuss the primaries but I am sure I will tackle the 2008 enough. I have not discussed sports but I will leave it for some other time. What am I going to talk about – the liar Roger Clemens? Nope - I want to discuss those who defy logic. I want to talk about celebrities who decide after having too many they are going to get behind the wheel. Now I could sit here and say they should not drive with alcohol in their system. That is not the point. I guess what is mind boggling to me is why someone with all the money in the world to pay someone to be a chauffer chooses to do so. I guess I am trying to do the impossible – rationalize the celebrity mind. I think even Freud would put his hand up to that opportunity. Freud would not have visited Brittney or any other celebrity.

Now why don’t celebrities go out and get a chauffer? Are they cheap? Stubbornness? Do they not want to bother someone with their travails despite that person making tons of money off of them?

The other thing that pops in my head is based on my trips to California. I am nervous driving around there sober in the daylight. With all the roads that go along the side and between mountains it is not like here in the Midwest where the roads are straight shots. You really have to keep a level head driving some of the fine paths.

In the end, I feel bad for those who have found themselves in that spot. I think we can all agree there is something more to the whole situation. It makes me wonder again if money can buy happiness. That is a completely different entry.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Is New Hampshire really that important?

I promised a myriad of things on this blog. Today it is politics.

If you pay attention to the news – for what now seems like forever - you have been inundated with coverage from the first two states to cast the official opinions on the candidates running for the US presidential helm. The coverage has been stifling and prompted me to ask the question “How important are the initial primaries”? Do they go along way in determining the eventual president or even the party front runner? I wanted to find out if they represent what America as a whole is thinking on the subject.

I will start with the New Hampshire Democratic primaries. The winners from 1960 are as follows: Kennedy, LBJ(incumbent) , LbJ, (Incumbent), Muskie, Carter, Carter(incumbent), Hart, Dukasis, Tsongas, Clinton(incumbent), Gore, and finally, Kerry. Out of the twelve Democratic Primaries, only three times did the person who won the race not go on to represent the Democratic party in the November Election. As for the Republican, the primary winners since 1960 are as follows: Nixon, Lodge Jr., Nixon, Nixon (incumbent) , Ford (incumbent), Reagan, Reagan (Incumbent), Bush, Bush (Incumbent), Buchanan, McCain, and Bush(Incumbent). The same results though different years where the winner of the Republican New Hampshire primary did not go on to represent in the November general election.

Even if you were to take out the primaries with incumbents for both parties, there is a decent chance the representatives who win on Tuesday will go on to represent their party. The one drawback is there are plenty of people running on making the winner by number s only and future primaries more important as the numbers dwindle down the competitors.

The point for this entry is discussing the endless coverage that has taken place leading up to voting on Tuesday. Is it warranted? Does it have any value?

The other question I have as I looked at the result from the internet and they posted the month and date forecast year votes – Why is it SO early this year? How much I wish we were like Great Britain who could spontaneously call a election and it would take place six weeks later.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pull your pants up son...

This is my initial foray into blogging. It seems like only a month ago I didn't even know people blog other than political pundits. I sometimes live my life in the clouds. All of a sudden, I was looking for some random item and came across one blog which lead into another and another. It has now become my own little addiction. It is unbelievable how that can happen with the flip of a switch.

I am looking to sue this blog to [discuss a myriad of items. They will range from sports, politics, life, pop culture, corporate america and other such exciting topics. I will tell you I wanted to start on 1/1/2008 but I had trouble thinking of a name for this blog. I was starting way too complicated but then thought KISS.

I was invited to a sporting event the other day. I took my seat and as they introduced the team's starting lineup the crowd stood up and I decided to stay seated... I am sad like that. The young man got up to cheer on the home team and I was given a sight that was flooring. The back of his pants were right under his cheeks if you will. THANK HEAVEN'S he had the rest of glutius maximus adequately covered with boxers. NOW my assumption in this life is the natural reaction would be to pull his pants up. Doesn't that just seem logical? This was not the case. He stood in front of me in the pathetic condition. Needless to say I started looking around the crowd for ANYTHING that would take my mind off this travesty.

Taking a step back, do kids really think this is a good look? Does anyone really think this is a good look? Do parents even know it is going on? How hard is the person who started this fad as a joke laughing right now knowing people are slaves to fashion doing such dumb things. I can only imagine what I would think if I found my child in such disarray. I would love someone to just tell me why they think that is a good thing.