Monday, March 3, 2008

Growing up is a pain but a touch spring does a lot to help out

It has occurred to me I have not blogged in a few days and much of that has to do with life moving at a very rapid pace. This is one reason why when my life is “boring” I do not complain. Those are the moments you sit back and listen to “calmness” of things as you move past them in this life.

The first weekend of March is gone and I am wondering per usual what the hell happened to January and February. For all the commentary about how long winter is, it does seem to go by very fast. When I was younger it seemed like those two months dragged incredibly slow and the spring would NEVER come. That is not the case now. When you are a “grown-up” there are things always having to be done. One did not have to organize all their paperwork for taxes. They did not have to figure out which tasks would have to be done in the house before the warm weather began and they had “no time”. Nope – the euphoria ended from the holidays and time passed by making days feel like months and minutes feel like days. If you have any “grown-up” drama in your life, it even moves faster.

I have a few tasks that remain incomplete but with good reason. I hope to get them done in the next few months so I can begin some warm weather tasks. This brings to mind that when you become a “grown-up”, everything you need to do cost some amount of money. Your life becomes very calculated and it becomes a game of chess. Every move you make must keep in mind the opponent as well as figuring out where you want to position all your pieces.

Saying everything there, for sure what happens in this life are those moments of bliss. This weekend it was when I was driving around with the sunroof open and turning on the radio to one of the beacons of spring. I will be writing something soon about that beacon of spring. Right now it is like a pot of water moments before it starts into a rolling boil. A few bubbles here and a few over there but there is no doubt the rolling boil is coming. Not a person in my town regardless of how they feel will be able to deny it. It will consume us and the expectation will be nothing but euphoria. It will cross all barriers - age, race, income levels, and any other divide that comes to mind. Is it possible I am overstating it? Possibly but I think most people failure is not an option. We will just have to wait and see.

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