Saturday, May 24, 2008


I have a new PITA in my life. WHY ...WHY must I get books and DVD's sent to my home that I have not asked for and they come with the "If you keep for thirty days, we will charge you $XX.XX" when I have never even requested to eve try out any of these unrelated services.

I am trying to contain myself from calling these clowns and losing it on the phone. That of course never is good because the phone person on the other end is EXTREMELY far away from the clowns that decide this could be a good practice.

To those clowns - Why must you inconvenience my life with your clutter and than in order not to pay for those items request I take time out of my day to send things back to you I NEVER even asked for in the first place. Those are AWFUL business practices.

I think I feel better.

PS - I hope all you know now what "PITA" stands for. I will help with "Pain in the"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One or two summers ago some jerks from the city rolled through the neighborhoods and marked the sidewalk squares that need to be replaced (at the homeowners expense). My mom lives on a corner and really got hit hard (twice the sidewalk space as someone else on the block). All but one or two squares that they marked were in terrific condition, so my mom tried fighting it. She couldn't even get someone to come out and do a reassessment, so we improvised. One bucket of hot water and bleach swiftly removed the orange x marks from the squares that were good. Ha!

And you're right, the taxes we pay around here is crazy. My fam in Arizona have a 800k house and pay about half the amount of property taxes that I pay for my under-200k-house. They have trash removal and all the services we have... but have a much larger lot and much nicer roads. We need to audit our government offices.