Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last Debate thoughts and more

It has been a wild couple of weeks in this country as well as locally.

- The stock market has been the hot topic the last few weeks. The news has been for the most part been very negative and people holding their breath to see what will happen from day to day.
- It does seem strange how we have allowed the stock market to shadow what we think of the economy as a whole. Our unemployment is not even remotely close to what it was in the 1920's and 1930's. Our GDP is doing great. The value of the dollar has actually been going since Wall Street's struggles has gone along.
- Bailing out these banks and those with mortgages close to failure is rewarding irresponsibility. It is a sad path and one don't enjoy watching unfold.
- I am watching the third Presidential debate and tell myself one thing - 2012 is PRIMED for a third party candidate. It is rough to watch these debates. The best man at the table is Bob Schieffer.
- Who runs these campaigns? If you were a Republican, would you not be irritated that McCain refuses to point out that his policy is the most liberal since FDR. If you were Obama why are you not pointing out McCain's politics are not close to many Republican stances cutting away from John's base.
- One view specifically with tonight's debate - McCain seems to have a little more urgency than what I have seen in past engagements. Based on poll numbers this will probably be too little too late.
- I have not seen alot of him but what I have seen of him I am very impressed by Ken Cockrel Jr., sitting Detroit Mayor.
- Joe the Plumber - someone who will be talked about for at least the next week.
- End result of debate - No ground gained by McCain.

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