Sunday, October 26, 2008

What is one to do? Quick poll

I am dealing with a hypothetical situation here - LOL.

Man drives down road. Turns and catches eye of girl to his liking. You both show off toothy grins. Let's say you have the opportunity at say a stop light. This is where a split second decision must be made. Do you (as the male)

A.) Role down window and ask if she wants to meet up at some nearby establishment
B.) Let it be exactly what it is - some smiling and some flirting.
C.) Something else politically correct

Politically incorrect options -
Rear ending her car
Following her to where ever her destination is she is traveling to at that time.
Start a fire in the middle of the road and send smoke signals
Before hand - have a bumper sticker made with you contact information and have it plastered all over your car.

Again - all hypothetical


Anonymous said...

Post a missed connection ad on Craig's list?

Dateless in Detroit said...

Hmm, interesting. I always wondered what would happen in that situation. I'd probably find it creepy if he asked me to pull over and meet him somewhere, but again, its all about that vibe you get from someone.

You could have did the "roll down your window mothion" and ask her for 'directions'. That may have started up a convo.

Midwest Gent said...

Em - That is a good one.

DID - On one hand one must seize the moment. On the other hand, in today's world, any woman who did anything but maybe go to a VERY well lit area with people would be nuts.

I thought the scenario was interesting though.