Saturday, April 12, 2008


I am typing this as the Detroit Tigers are about to go 2-9. Are you kidding me? All the talk, all the money, all the anticipation and this team is taking the freakin gas pipe. What an absolute debacle this all has become as we sit by and watch this team look like they have zero idea what they are doing out there. The effort seems low at best. The stars have done nothing as evidence they are currently being lead by baseball famous names like Clete Thomas and once potential cast-off Brandon Inge. We have not even got to tax day and history tells us the Tiger chances of even sniffing the playoffs is pretty close to zero.

I said they would win 85 games and did not even think they would make the baseball playoffs but not in my wildest dreams did I see any of this coming this way.

1 comment:

Dateless in Detroit said...

ya, i dont see them going to the playoffs. WTF is wrong with them again! GEEEEEEEZ