Saturday, April 19, 2008


Allow me to ask the question – who in their right mind drops out of high school these days. Yes – drop out of high school in 2008. I heard of someone doing this recently and immediately responded WTF. In this day and age where people are filling out MBA programs to capacity across this country as well as other grad level schools and not finding employment afterwards, how stupid is that decision. More importantly -what parents allows that decision to even be considered let alone executed? I am not a parent but would be absolutely mortified if my kid thought it was even an option. I will be the first one to tell you the education process is tiresome but in the end it is necessary – or so I thought. Even when you have the education and you get a job, there is the continuous training and informational conferences you need to go to in order to maintain your status. What do you tell people when there is even an inquiry about what you are doing these days? What do you do with your time? Can you even find a full time job? My head is doing nothing but spinning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My best friend helps people who have done just that get their GEDs. I think most people in that situation don't have the type of parents who would be mortified, sadly. In fact, I had a friend that was struggling at a high school that I too had once attended. I talked to her parents and offered to drive her to my new school, which was safer, smaller, and had a better curriculum. Her parents reaction? "We went to that school and we turned out okay." It didn't seem to matter that over 20 years had passed since they had gone there, or that their daughter was struggling. I don't know, I think there are a lot of factors that go into play. But, not everyone with an MBA will want to pick up garbage and deliver pizzas, so maybe having some drop-outs is okay in the end. Not trying to make light of it, it is horrible, but what would we do if everyone was a super-star? Do you think I'm crazy? Don't answer that! Hey, and thanks for being such a gentleman with the comment you left on my blog. I appreciate it very, very much!