Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I heard on the news this morning that Detroit has a high school graduating rate of 25%. I am one of those people who when they hear off the wall stats try to find out what the real deal is with it. In this case, regardless if there is a real deal, that number is deplorable. It was so low that even if it was off it still is bad.

We live in a world that you need an education to individually support yourself. We live in a world where we need educated people to help this state succeed in getting past this economic slump. The country as a whole needs to figure out what to do because we are just plain losing in education's world wide battle.

Don't fool yourself and think that the Detroit School system is an isolated case. Schools around this country are struggling to educate the children. They are not getting the tax money they need to make it happen. They are not getting support from the parents. Teachers - despite the great effort and big hearts - are not the best of the best since teachers pay is so medicore. No one discusses the great benefits of an education.

Another thing we need to get across in this country is not only the education of the young people but adults as well. I am taking a class right now. I was told recently that once I am done with this class I am "finally done". My response - I will never be done. Education is an ongoing process. It will never end. I will maybe get a small break. I will then have to take another class and spend more evening and weekend hours reading the material. I will finally be done when I take my last breath.

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