Friday, April 11, 2008

Deep talk

I always find it interesting on how things work out. At the beginning of the year I told the parties involved that we should plan on going to Florida for a few days and enjoy the sunshine and all. The agreed upon weekend was this one we are in right now. As time went on circumstances came up making it slightly questionable whether it was a good idea for all parties. Before long it ended up being a good thing because I found out my time off had already been determined for me ie my vacation was determined for me. Once that decision was made for me, something unexpected came up that needs to be remedied and would have made going on the trip not a great idea in the least. Now I will tell you sure I would have liked to have gone on vacation but in this life you don’t always get everything you want and for sure it is sometimes a good thing.

There are a few things to be said that do get said often but need to be restated on an almost regular basis.

The first is you don’t always get what you want each and every day in this life. The result is we as people tend to focus on the few things we don’t have in our possession and ignore the MANY things we do have readily available to us. Look around at people and see how few are wearing a smile on their face. Never mind they drive $30K (or more) cars, have roofs over their heads, jobs in what they are being told not such a great economy, and countless non material benefits. Nope – you see people who seem to have zero ability to smile in their lives.

The next thing is rewards are best earned in this world. When you earn what you get, the value is way higher. I have met people in this life that want it all but don’t want to put the time into it. They always think there is a better (i.e. shorter) way to get where they want and end up disappointed when it all said and done. PEOPLE – you get what you put in when working toward your goals. I have mentioned in the past I have gone through a fair amount of training and education. IT was mentioned to me that I should be happy when the latest round of training and certification is done. I immediately retorted that my work is never done. I told them there is always something you have to learn or study. That of course it’s the case with life itself. If you don’t work, then things will become difficult. If you want to put in the minimal effort you will get minimal return.

Another lesson is bad things end up being good things. We have all had our share of lessons over time and for sure they were the worst things ever to experience. Looking back at those certain events, we discover though, despite how bad the events were surrounding those moments, the benefits were numerous and truly shape the people we are today.

The last lesson is worry about those things you can in fact change and let those items you cannot change be. Worrying about things that you cannot change is virtually wasted energy. Can you change the weather? If you can, let me know and we can market that ability to SOMEONE "fo sho". There are plenty of examples but you get my point.

Bottom line – smile as much as possible, live your life one day at a time, don’t take things for granted and learn to listen more than you talk.

P.S. I hope to post more blogs this weekend.

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