Saturday, July 26, 2008


Wednesday was an interesting driving day for me. In the morning, I went out to my dentist - out is a good way of putting it - to only drive to the Titanic a different way than usual following my appointment. The Titanic has a few different ways of entering and this way which I don't take was all messed up with construction. It took another five minutes which in the whole scheme of things is not that badbut for sure unexpected. This was followed up with a trip to a fine summer activity. I decided to take what I thought to be a "shorter" way of getting there. That proved to be completely wrong as they were doing construction on this well traveled three lane - sometimes four lanes - north south Macomb County road. Instead of getting to my location early by ten minutes, I arrived ten minutes late - NICE! This was not before being held up on a east west road due to gawking at a pulled over out of a commission automobile.

Another spot that is a daily nuisance ends up being my usual way home from the Titanic on I-75. That will be tied up for a few months. I assume my trip to the Titanic will be disrupted soon enough. I will not complain though as my commute is about twenty minutes.

The worst part of this all is I see these cones out there and I see NO ONE working so I ask myself if this is just a cruel joke being played on all us drivers. This seems to be a very baffling system that the government has going on these days.

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