Friday, July 18, 2008

The Urinal Stories

One day this past week, I had something happen twice in one day which is weird considering the circumstances. I have mentioned before I work at the Titanic. The facility is a very LARGE due to the number of people who work there. As a result, there are plenty of bathrooms with some with up to twenty urinals in a row. For the record I have not officially counted but I think that number is pretty accurate.

On one select day this week with in a few hours of each other, I was performing the process one man would if they were standing in front of those urinals. The first time there was eight urinals. When I entered the restroom, all the urinals were available. I went ahead and picked one in the middle. There was nothing strategic in the decision. I simply made a choice. With in a minute, a man entered the restroom with the same decision – Which urinal to perform his duty? Now if I were in his shoes presented with the choice of seven other urinals I would immediately not consider the urinals on either side of me. I would choose a urinal that will have one free urinal on either side. The man did not make that choice. Oh no!! He picked the one right next to me. Sure he could have given himself some space, but that was not good enough for him.

Of course this does not happen often I am sure you are telling yourselves but as luck would have it, it did in fact take place again. This took place in another bathroom which is split up into three sections each with four urinals, and three stalls giving a total or twelve urinals and nine stalls. I entered in at about late afternoon and found four available urinals in one section. I picked the right middle one and from the sounds of it, it was pretty empty. Another gentleman walked in and of course – as I am sure you anticipated – walked into the section I was located in and picked a urinal right next to me.


I was of course floored by these circumstances happening in consecutively. It was for sure not “disturbing”, but for sure weird.


xxxx said...

That is a LOT of urinals.

Dateless in Detroit said...

I think you should personally scribe and print out a list of potty rules, and hang them over every 3 urinals so no one misses a beat. rule number #1 could be your issue, and rule #2 would rightly be, no looking--eyes strait ahead at all times. :)

even if you dont want to post them in your p lace of employment, at least give us your list here. It will be fun times.

Anonymous said...

Same thing happens when you park your car at the back of a parking lot... spaces abound... yet someone always parks right next to you (even when you don't drive the sports car, obnoxiously parked on an angle across multiple parking spots).

Well, Midwest Gent, not to be un-lady like, but I can only surmise that these guys wanted to see what you've got. Either that or they needed the "sound" to help them get started. TMI? Well don't blame me, this is YOUR entry after all. ;)

Anonymous said...

and what's with the timer associated with your blog... it's NOON!

Midwest Gent said...

Em - OK....OK.... The time has been corrected... I must have been in a California state of mind when I was setting this thing up. This is strange since I am not the biggest fan of the state to begin with... oh well.

DID - I wil work on the list. I would hope #2 is a well known accepted rule.